Master Class

Broaden your understanding of financial fitness...

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

After I graduated from college, I had over $32,000 of student loan debt, $3,000 of credit card debt and zero money in savings. I started the Financial Fitness Program and have since gotten rid of the credit card debt, learned to pay myself first and I am on track to paying off all my student loan debt in the next 2 years. Thank you to the Financial Fitness Program for getting me on track to a better future.
Elizabeth Zmudzinski

On August 24, 2016, we paid off our last debt. We are completely and totally debt free! Three years ago, we were $5,281,000 in debt and facing bankruptcy. Then, two weeks later, September 2013, Financial Fitness came into our lives. We’ve applied what we’ve learned through the principles of the Financial Fitness Program - we budgeted our money, we saved, and we paid off the loans with the income we made through Tom’s regular work. All the while, we were reading, listening and associating with precious people like our mentors and friends and as a result, we own everything--we don’t owe a bank anything, so we are ecstatic!
Tom and Pat Aul

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